Urban Decay Naked Cherry Palette Dupe? Backtalk Palette Swatch Comparisons

Saturday 29 September 2018
Urban Decay Naked Cherry vs Backtalk Palette
Urban Decay Naked Cherry Palette is the latest Naked palette to join the family! The pink, purple hues are pretty gorgeous but also remind me of the Urban Decay Backtalk palette so I thought I would do some swatch comparisons. If you'd like to see the swatches of the entire Naked Cherry Palette head to this blog post, it will also be used on my YouTube channel next week. 
Naked Cherry Dupe? Urban Decay Backtalk Palette
I really liked the Urban Decay Backtalk Palette, it was a nice not too cool not too warm palette that included shades for both the face and eyes. See it in use in this Instagram Tutorial. As you may be able to tell, the Backtalk and Cherry have similar vibes but are not completely the same. The cherry leans more burgundy and the Backtalk has some more taupe. 
Urban Decay Naked Cherry Dupe - Backtalk Palette 
If you are looking for something to travel with and the Backtalk has the variety you need for eyeshadow I think it's a great palette, it is however limited edition. The Cherry has a much wider variety of shades and is my preference because the more taupe shades are not the kind of thing I would personally reach for. That being said, I do love 3 of the 4 face shades in the Backtalk palette. 

Of course it's 100% up to you to decide which one is more valuable to you, but I don't think you need both. I feel like you can create very similar eye looks and more with the Cherry over the Backtalk. That being said, Backtalk has face options! You don't need both, but you still might want both .. depends how much of an Urban Decay/makeup junkie you are ;). 

*These palettes were sent for my review, all opinions are my own. Links are affiliate. 


  1. How is this a dupe? A dupe is supposed to be a cheaper version of the same thing(quality/colors/something)?!?!

    1. Dupe is short for the word "duplicate" so no it doesn't have to be cheaper and if you actually read the post nowhere do I say it's a dupe! It's a swatch comparison and I mention you can get similar looks if you already own the Backtalk

  2. Thank you Samantha , back talk is on sale right now for half price on
