Anastasia Soft Glam Palette Swatches and Review

Sunday, 18 March 2018
Anastasia Soft Glam Palette + Roux
I cannot resist Anastasia Eyeshadow Palette releases and the ABH Soft Glam Palette was no different. This palette was created by Norvina, Anastasia's daughter and inspired by Anastasia herself and the types shades she reached for daily. I'd call this the ... older but still super relevant and cool sister of the Modern Renaissance. I'll be doing a full review on my YouTube Channel but you can see the ABH Soft Glam in action in a recent Get Ready with Me. 
Anastasia Soft Glam Palette Review
The Anastasia Soft Glam Palette retails for $55 CAD at Sephora. It contains 14 shades, in ultra-matte,  duo-chrome and metallics. There are a few repeat shades from previous palettes, which doesn't bother me. The palette itself has the typical soft touch, velvet-y outside in a beige-mustard. I have mixed emotions about this packaging, it looks great, feels great, but gets so dirty. 
ABH Soft Glam Palette Review 
Most importantly, I love this palette! I think if you felt the Modern Renaissance was a little too orange/red but you wanted something warm this is a great option. I love both palettes, don't make me choose! One thing I like about this palette over the Modern Renaissance is the shimmers/metallics, they are much more impactful in the Soft Glam.
Anastasia Soft Glam Swatches
This could be a good everyday palette, but you can also take it really deep and dramatic. It seems like it would be good for the majority of skin tones. The only shade that was a dud for me was Orange Soda, which sucks because I've eyed that shade in other ABH palettes and thought it was so pretty, it just didn't show up on my skin. 
ABH Soft Glam Swatches
I highly recommend this palette if you were eyeing it, you can go so many directions with the shades and finishes. I had no issues with blendability, a little fall-out and it wore nicely all day (I always wear a primer). Now, here's some more pics of my cat Roux and this palette, couldn't help myself! 
Who Am I? 
Why is she making me do this? 

Please let me go nap. 

*All opinions are my own, links are affiliate. 

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