WIN: Maybelline Puma Highlighter!

Sunday, 24 November 2019

a Rafflecopter giveaway

- Open Internationally!
- Contest ends November 29th, 2019
- Must be age of majority or have parent's permission 
- No giveaway accounts 
- Please do not contact me asking to win or you will be disqualified 
- You have 72 hours to respond to my email saying you're a winner 


  1. OMG I tried so hard to get that highlighter but I saw one video by Tati and then you could never find it again.

  2. I can't wait for more adventures!

  3. I would love to try that highlighter! Thank you so much for sharing with your subscribers

  4. Hello Beautiful Samantha it's been awhile thank you for not forgetting about us drugstore subbies. And And the low pony does look good we haven't got snow here in NY yet.With all the cars I like to go at first fall of snow then it gets so dirty.I'll keep watching👀👀 your friend Pat

  5. I remember trying to get this when it released! I’ve been on a no buy makeup for the past 6 months, unless I need (like brows and concealer) so, this giveaway will be a nice treat!!

  6. Oh this would be amazing timing! My MasterChrome just broke into pieces the other day and I have been meaning to pick one up but they are always out at my local Walmart. Fingers crossed!

  7. Hi Samantha.Thank you for demonstrating how someone with NC 42 can wear green shades for the eyes. I am an NC 42 and am enjoying the recommendations on your channel. Thank you ...all the way from Australia!
