L'Oréal Paris Color Riche Le Vernis à L'Huile Swatches + Review

Friday, 9 September 2016
 L'Oréal Paris Color Riche Le Vernis à L'Huile Swatches
L'Oreal has released their first oil infused nail polish line. There will be a total of 25 shades in the line, the remainder will be released November 2016. The oils are meant to offer "rich powerful color and incomparable mirror shine". See them in action in my Live Swatch YouTube Video

I was invited to a PR event with L'Oreal Canada and was lucky enough to meet Tom Bachik their lead celebrity "man-icurist". We learned all about the line and got some great tips on applying nail polish. I would also like to mention there is now only one degree of separation between myself and J.Lo... I've made it.

I left the event with this gorgeous set of nail polishes in hand. I like to describe the bottles as "nail polish grenades', they are stunning!


*These polishes were provided for my review, all opinions are my own. Links are affiliate. 

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